The Centre for Education of Youth KANA will implement a project 'Help Others - Help Yourself' within the framework of IW EQUAL. The project assumes setting up an association for carers of the elderly and the disabled. The trained women - carers will be able to take up work in the country and abroad.
Goal of the project:
The project aims at preparing unemployed women to take up work as carers of the elderly and the disabled in the country and abroad by arranging complete trainings and setting up a social association. The project will concern especially elderly and unemployed women, who, because of their age, have difficulties in a return to the labour market.
The training will include medical education (first aid, dealing with drips etc.) and preparation within a scope of hygienic services along with a short foreign language course. The training programme will include the rudiments of psychology, sociology as well as lectures concerning the specifics of the geriatric support, issues concerning old age diseases, pharmacology and natural methods of treating, diets, basic information on curative and care treatments carried out for the elderly.
The courses will include lectures, practical classes, workshop along with employment of stimulating methods and completely practical exercises.
Theoretical courses will be held in the country and they will be preceded with a training in institutions, in which the elderly or disabled people stay permanently or temporarily (social welfare and care centres, hospices, palliative care units, centres for rehabilitation of the disabled people etc.). After the course, the participants will be directed to practical trainings abroad, where in most cases, it will be their future place of employment. After the phase of preparation, the trainees will receive proper certificates.
Moreover, the training can include an optional module concerning an organisational part of establishing and running of social association.
Why such a project?
In the well developed west parts of Europe we can observe a process of ageing society. In few years, the problem will concern Poland as well. There is an increasing problem of providing an appropriate support for a growing number of the elderly. Due to much better developed and organised medical aid, life expectancy of Europe community is still extending.
People who want to take care of the elderly but also are well prepared to do this are more and more needed.
Many young people are unable to provide all-day care for their family and because of having not very good financial situation, they cannot pay for an expensive care in private care centres. The only solution in such a situation is either badly prepared, overcrowded and underfunded state care centres or illegally working carers, who do not have an appropriate education and experience and cannot prove their skills with a certificate or references.
Moreover, such an offer should help to considerably reduce a phenomenon of illegal employment in this sector by transforming it into legal employment contracts.