Fitness room
Let us invite you to our new fitness gym, which is equipped in very professional equipment from Kettler company such as steppers, exercise bikes, treadmills etc. They are durable and easy to operate. Set adjustment of the particular elements enables to make the equipment comfortable for everybody.
A trainer is at your disposal all the time you are working out. He can give you some advice and select a suitable set of exercises for you, so that you will be able to achieve the intended goal - a fit figure and great mood.

A single admission:
Gentlemen - 10 PL
Ladies - 7 PL
Youth - 5 PL*.
A ten-time pass (valid for 3 months):
Gentlemen - 80 PL
Ladies - 58 PL
Youth - 39 PL*.
One-month pass:
Gentlemen - 70 PL
Ladies - 53 PL
Youth - 35 PL*.

The Fitness gym is open:
Monday - Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 8.30 p.m.
Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Dorota Kowal
Robert Czo³omiej
Szymon Jonczyk
*Only students from the age of 15 to 25 (the age is to be certified by a student card), disabled youth and the unemployed up to 25 years old are entitled to the price.
Let us remind you that the total income from the sale of tickets is aimed to finance the free of charge courses for unemployed, low-income and disabled youth.